GALAB goes GREEN 🌱 — Part II:
Since the end of July a very special parking area at GALAB stands out: Two charging stations for e-cars were put into operation!
By using electric cars the CO2 balance of road traffic can be improved, which is an important base especially in times of climate change. In addition, they are — besides being emission-free in operation — more environmentally friendly than noisy burners due to their low noise level.
With the provision of two charging points for e-cars, GALAB sets another milestone with regard to the company’s own sustainability goals. 🚙 🔋
In a recently published interview, managing director Dr. Eckard Jantzen talks about additional activities of GALAB to protect the environment and the motivation behind it:…/galab-goes-green-f2e8af8b2c16
#galabgoesgreen #galablaboratories #analysis #tobesure #sustainability #evcharging